It's dusk. The windows are slightly open, but I don't bother to get up and close them properly. It is with a tinge of sadness that I see the last rays of sun disappear.
It's night. The blinds are half drawn, but I don't bother to get up and draw them fully. It is with a sense of dread that I see that darkness has fallen.
I'm lying in bed, flitting in and out of sleep. I tell myself I have to get up, I have things to do, so many things to do. But I don't move. I don't want to get up and face the things I have to do.
And with each passing moment, the sense of sadness and the sense of dread grows. I don't want to deal with it. So I close my eyes, and allow myself to drift once more to sleep.
Sleep, is where I am free.
It's night. The blinds are half drawn, but I don't bother to get up and draw them fully. It is with a sense of dread that I see that darkness has fallen.
I'm lying in bed, flitting in and out of sleep. I tell myself I have to get up, I have things to do, so many things to do. But I don't move. I don't want to get up and face the things I have to do.
And with each passing moment, the sense of sadness and the sense of dread grows. I don't want to deal with it. So I close my eyes, and allow myself to drift once more to sleep.
Sleep, is where I am free.